Monday, November 1, 2010

weekend, come back :(

I was SO excited for this weekend...Halloween party...4 straight days off to recover and ready myself for holiday season...and lots of time to wedding plan!!

Halloween party - was ok. Made more food than normal since we've run out the last few parties and of course we had a lot left. Made more jello shots than normal since we've run out the last few parties and of course we had a lot left. The only disappointing part about that is that the money raised from the jello shots is going to be donated to Susan G. Komen, and we could have raised more..but $40 isn't bad, and plus I'm adding $20 to that. Every little bit counts I guess. There were also not as many people as we had planned and a lot of people left was pretty much over by 2. It's all good, we've thrown some pretty rad parties so oh well :)

The party ended MUCH earlier for me...I started to feel like crap playing drinking games..and no not drunk crap, but I just felt REALLY full. I stopped drinking before midnight I'm pretty sure, and eventually had to go lay on the couch because I felt so bad. Well, needless to say I barely made it to bed, and then seriously spent the rest of yesterday vomiting. At one point I actually took a nap on the bathroom floor for at least an hour. I think I ate a piece of toast, a few forkfuls of rice, and not quite a whole glass of water...luckily started to feel slightly better at night and kept down a small bowl of mac and cheese. Definitely not 100% yet, not even close. Takes a lot of energy just to be upright at the moment, so work will definitely be fun tomorrow...thank goodness I have Wednesday off!

There are officially less than 7 months until my can't even handle that. I have NOTHING DONE!! I'm realizing I can't do this by myself, and it sucks. Drew isn't entirely too interested in any of it, and he pretty much is like just let me know what I have to do. I'm working on getting addresses of people that I don't know or talk to and am not having a ton of cooperation there. I'm not 100% sure on the wedding funding at this point - I have been told certain amounts that would be contributed by different people and I'm not the type to say HEY where's my money..but at the same time I need to seriously change the guest list and direction this wedding is going if I don't have this money!! We've been trying really hard to save up which we haven't been doing good at in the past few months (a few things came up earlier this summer we hadn't planned on) and we are trying hard, so hopefully down payments will be made early this month on the dj and the cake, and i still need to contact the church we've been looking at as well as a few other places. But I am just overwhelmed and over my head. Blah.

Anyways, enough of that rant, time for me to get to bed, gotta get through tomorrow!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

is it done yet?

Uuuuuugh I just want this week to be over. I ended up dragging myself to boot camp in the morning, and I was the only one who showed up. Which ended up being sweet, because it basically turned into a free hour long personal training session so thats cool. But we did a lot of free weights and I am feeeeeeeling it today!

It makes up for missing my workout today though. Off to work in a few, thank GOODNESS I don't have to close again! Then we are heading to my mom's to help her move all night. Luckily I'm off tomorrow....except i have to work 4 hours in the morning at another store (I mean, I volunteered to help out, but still...yuck!) Friday is another day of closing, then OFF on Saturday!

Except we have a lot to get done on Saturday. It's Drew's nieces last football game, and of course we haven't gone to see her cheer, and of COURSE its at 9am in Fowlerville, which is like 45 minutes away. GROSS!! Hopefully meeting our DJ sometime that day too and maybe signing our contract. Lots of other odds and ends to get done that day, and then a trip to Uncle John's Cider Mill!!

I won't even get into next week cuz it's crappy too, but at least I have a 4 day weekend for Halloween! Speaking of which, what should I be? Oy vey.

Time to get ready for work, have a wonderful day :)

Monday, October 18, 2010


a nice BIG glass of wine and some chocolate was what i needed tonight...however tomorrow i have bootcamp at go or not to go, that is the question. i know i need to, but i just want to sleep til noon before work for reals.

drew and i started a weight loss challenge...10 weeks long, person w/the most percent of weight lost wins. i want to win so bad, today was just a baaaaad day to start. i already have a list that i'm giving up/doing once the new year hits...but i need to get my ass in gear now so its not a huge struggle once 2011 gets here...

possibly have a church to get married, and hopefully meeting w/our dj this weekend to finalized a contract there. pretty much down to the 7 month mark which is so crazy and starting to become ohhhh so stressful...

ok i am tipsy and this entry made no sense. time for some beds!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

back again

Well football season has started, which means every Sunday will be spent with Drew in his chair watching the Lions lose, and me being bored. Since I will evenutally run out of things to do on the internet, I suppose I can start writing in this again!!!

My life these days is work, working out, taking care of the house, and planning our wedding! Yes, actually working out. I've lost a total of 8 lbs, which isn't much, but in the past 2-3 weeks I've really started to buckle down. Come on, I only have 9 months (from next Saturday!) to get my ass in gear!! People have been making comments that I look like I have lost weight, and trust me, thats all the motivation I need!! Since I love planning (wedding planning, meal planning, etc.) I've been trying to plan out my week ahead of time and actually sticking to it (gym-wise that is). Here is the plan for next week:

Tomorrow: work 12-8. Gym in the morning before work, then taking my first public shower (thank god they have shower curtains) at the gym and heading straight to work
Monday: off. Jewel is going to the vet at 11, so I will probably walk the dogs in the morning and then go to the gym at night w/Drew
Tuesday: work 1-close. work meeting 9-10am. Lets be real, I'm not working out in between!
Wednesday: work 8-6 . walking the dogs after dinner, maybe some arm workouts at home
Thursday: work 8-6. Begging to get out by 5 so I can make spin class, but if that doesn't work there is a class at the Dewitt YMCA I can take. I just can't remember what class it is, haha
Friday: off. nice long workout at the gym in the morning (boot camp wooooo) then plans at night.
Saturday: depending on how hard we party Friday, either gym first thing in the morning, or later on and then straight to work 1-close after. We'll see :)

So for sure 3 workouts, possibly 5. Not bad.

Ok well I have a kitchen to clean up and I'm starting to feel sleepy!!! I promise I'll be around more ;)

Friday, March 19, 2010

that didn't quite work...

SO the whole working out every day in March thing? THAT didn't so much work out like I had planned. This has been a long stressful month at work, with my job very much in jeopardy. I was sick, my grandpa was in the hospital and I was spending every day off home visiting him...I mean I have a thousand excuses, but in the end, I just didn't do it.

But that was then. This is now. I just realized it was hard to go from not working out super regularly to working out EVERY day. A good theory yes, but yikes. Luckily for me, my dad got me just what I wanted for my birthday - 6 half hour personal training sessions at the Y. YES! I told my spin class friends I was really excited cuz I wanted someone to scream at me, haha. I haven't had that since I was training on the crew team, and I NEED it. I'm the one who usually has to drag Drew to the gym, and none of my friends in Lansing are really huge on working out. Therefore I've been kinda on my own in that sense, and I really just wanted someone there to really help jump start me, and get me into a routine. (side note: the parkwood Y is giving away FREE PT sessions for this recipe contest they are having...i so plan on winning those!)

I'm not going to start next week, since we're moving to our temp. store and I know I will be working some crazy and stupid shifts. I'm thinking the Monday after, the 29th-ish? Will keep everyone posted!

My plan for the next week?

Tomorrow: work 12-7, going to go for a short jog with Maximus in the morning before work, and then that evening going to do some dumbbell work on my arms
Sunday: going to be a long work day, 10-7. maybe walk the dogs when I get home.
Monday: off, but probably spending a few hours at work planning out the big move. don't have a set plan yet. not really any good classes at either Y to drop in on, so I will probably just hit the treadmill at some point (OMG race for the cure is a month away!)
Tuesday: work til 5, bill's fitness fusion (kickboxing/aerobics/sculpting) at the westside for 1:15
Wednesday: work til 5, if i can get out early then zumba at parkwood. if not, then possibly a hip hop class at westside
Thursday: walk dogs in am. being crazy and going to spin class for 45 min. then heading straight to work for an overnight shift til 7am. YIKES.
Friday: recover. possibly gym at night, but hopefully it will be nice out and a nice long walk with the dogs
Saturday: probably taking the day off of working out, then working 1-close.

I'll let you know how next week goes :)


obsessed with coupons

My trip to Meijer tonight :)

2 beef pot pies
1 carton of eggs
1 gallon chocolate milk
1 container of whipping cream
6 boxes green giant frozen vegetables
1 green giant steamer
1 tub land o'lakes butter
2 lbs of ground turkey
2 boxes of bagel bites
2 bags of dole lettuce
1 lysol toilet cleaner
2 lysol bathroom cleaners
2 lysol all purpose cleaners
12 yoplait yogurts
2 bottles of old orchard juice
1 steamfresh frozen meal
1 package johnsonville brats
2 bags of chex mix
2 boxes betty crocker potatoes
4 cans of diced tomatoes (and obvi forgot coupons for them...grr...oh well, only a dollar each)
1 can kidney beans
1 package of english muffins

are you ready? ALL THAT for only $33.41. me=awesome. that is all.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Latest Trip to Kroger!

I bought:
2 gallons of milk
a container of gorgonzola cheese
2 minute rice ready to serves
container of betty crocker frosting
3 pouches of betty crocker potatoes
a can of artichokes
2 containers of edy's ice cream
2 cans of progresso soup
2 containers of sour cream
1 bag wanchai ferry complete meal
2 green giant steamers
1 container of kroger dip

this would have NORMALLY cost someone $47.64 for all of this. Using sales in the store I saved $12.15. I used 10 coupons, plus a coupon for $3 off my next purchase....after coups were doubled I saved another $8.30, which means I saved $23.13!!!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

marching into spring

day 4 of working out.

February was NOT a good month. Things are going not so hot at work, and there is a very good chance that all of the managers are going to get canned unless we can unleash some badass stats VERY quickly!! (everyone, please come spend your money!) Things are going very routine at home (go to work, come home, make dinner, sit on the couch by myself all night, awesome.) Things were horrific at the gym (what gym? lol). I was sidelined with a MAJOR cold (I mean, I usually get sick once a month, and haven't been sick at ALL this winter, so I knew it was coming) and it was pretty bad. I'm still having nose issues (usually a combo of green chunks and blood coming out, yummy) but my energy level is so back.

Monday I went to the gym after work and did 30' on the elliptical. Tuesday I tried a new class at the westside ymca taught by my spin instructor Bill called fitness fusion (kickboxing, aerobics, weights, abs, etc.) for 75'. Wednesday I was off work so I dropped in on my fave kickboxing and aerobics class at parkwood with Denise for 60'. And today is Thursday, so obvi that means spin for 45'. I've worked out more the past 4 days more than i did the past 3 weeks combined!

So I thought, lets make it a streak! Do you think I can make it the entire month of March with a workout every day? There are going to be some tough days (long days at work coming up with our move to a diff. temp. location, my birthday, etc.) but I think I can do it. I don't really feel like I have a big cheerleader at the moment, but I need to do this for me. Also I started some new BC (tmi, sorry) that is hopefully going to reduce the hormone level going into my body, and help with the weight loss that i haven't been able to achieve since i started BC 9 years ago (med. reasons you jerks, i wasn't a slut, haha)

I'm excited, I'll make sure to keep everyone posted. Maybe this will be the start of some new awesome things!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


i'm in need of motivation :( january was decent. i gave up pop and fast food for the whole month, and i think i've had it once since. but i need help. the weather is yucky and i just hate going to the gym and i just need someone to kick my ass. that is all :(

Thursday, January 7, 2010

day 7

Wooooo what a workout today!! Worked til 5, then headed to the Y (in a blizzard no less) for the return of Thursday fun day!! Started with my 45' spin class, which was fun because all my spin friends were super excited about my exciting news! Was a pretty hard workout, especially since I was still sore from kickboxing. My spin instructor Bill is great because he always has a song that we do an arm workout too. Just imagine having to keep your arms up in the air for an entire song while doing different movements! Now imagine doing that with weighted kickboxing gloves...I'm usually pretty good at the arm stuff, but after 3 weeks off, I probably should have held back on the weights!!

Yogalates was next. There were a lot of new people in class, so Tracy had to explain a lot of stuff before we started, which took some time out of actual class, but oh well. I've been having mega problems with my IT bands lately, and my outer hips, and today was no exception!! I can barely do any of the hip work we do in class, and it sucks. They are in quite a bit of pain right now just sitting on the couch, should probably ice that soon!

Anyways, day 7 of working out was great!! Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow...might go to the gym after work for some quick cardio and then strength training. Or might come home and do some 30 day shred or just run around w/the mutts outside :) We'll see!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

back to the gym!

Man, I havent been to the gym since...since mid December, yuck. Definitely felt it today. Did some tae-bo the other night in the basement. Was a bit too soon after dinner, and only did 15 minutes, but I felt the burn! Then today was my first day back at the Y, for 30' of aerobics and 30' of kickboxing. Boy, having those weighted kickboxing gloves makes a WORLD of difference. Definitely feeling the burn in my arms much more than I used to.

Does anyone know any good hip stretches? You think I'd know this stuff after years of PT and athletic trainers, haha. My inner and outer hips have been really sore the past few days. Just hope its from not working out and not from the my-grandma-and-soon-to-be-my-mom-have-had-hip-replacements-and-my-dad-is-getting-new-knees-next-month. Oh joy, my joints and I have so much to look forward to!

Gonna cut up a fresh salad for lunch, and a turkey rollup to go with it, both with some homemade avocado ranch dressing!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

a new year, a new start

Hey blog world, tis been a long time!! I don't have a ton of time to update right now, but I'm going to try my best to start updating this thing much more regularly. Just wanted to update everyone with my goals for this year:

*FINALLY lose this weight. The goal for this year is 40 lbs. I know I could lose more if I tried, but I want to do it in a healthy way where its going to stay off.

*Eat healthier.

*Do at least 10 minutes of exercise every single day. My goal is cardio 3x a week, and strength training 3x a week. For days I work late or have a lot going on, I'm going to devote at least 10 minutes to doing SOMETHING...jumping jacks, situps, whatever.

*Figure out a new career path. Culinary school? Catering business? HR job? Whatever it is, it can't be retail.

*Plan the most fantastic wedding ever for May 2011 :)

I'm just gonna use this blog to update everyone on my progress. 2010 is the year of Carli :)