Thursday, January 7, 2010

day 7

Wooooo what a workout today!! Worked til 5, then headed to the Y (in a blizzard no less) for the return of Thursday fun day!! Started with my 45' spin class, which was fun because all my spin friends were super excited about my exciting news! Was a pretty hard workout, especially since I was still sore from kickboxing. My spin instructor Bill is great because he always has a song that we do an arm workout too. Just imagine having to keep your arms up in the air for an entire song while doing different movements! Now imagine doing that with weighted kickboxing gloves...I'm usually pretty good at the arm stuff, but after 3 weeks off, I probably should have held back on the weights!!

Yogalates was next. There were a lot of new people in class, so Tracy had to explain a lot of stuff before we started, which took some time out of actual class, but oh well. I've been having mega problems with my IT bands lately, and my outer hips, and today was no exception!! I can barely do any of the hip work we do in class, and it sucks. They are in quite a bit of pain right now just sitting on the couch, should probably ice that soon!

Anyways, day 7 of working out was great!! Not sure what I'm going to do tomorrow...might go to the gym after work for some quick cardio and then strength training. Or might come home and do some 30 day shred or just run around w/the mutts outside :) We'll see!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

back to the gym!

Man, I havent been to the gym since...since mid December, yuck. Definitely felt it today. Did some tae-bo the other night in the basement. Was a bit too soon after dinner, and only did 15 minutes, but I felt the burn! Then today was my first day back at the Y, for 30' of aerobics and 30' of kickboxing. Boy, having those weighted kickboxing gloves makes a WORLD of difference. Definitely feeling the burn in my arms much more than I used to.

Does anyone know any good hip stretches? You think I'd know this stuff after years of PT and athletic trainers, haha. My inner and outer hips have been really sore the past few days. Just hope its from not working out and not from the my-grandma-and-soon-to-be-my-mom-have-had-hip-replacements-and-my-dad-is-getting-new-knees-next-month. Oh joy, my joints and I have so much to look forward to!

Gonna cut up a fresh salad for lunch, and a turkey rollup to go with it, both with some homemade avocado ranch dressing!!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

a new year, a new start

Hey blog world, tis been a long time!! I don't have a ton of time to update right now, but I'm going to try my best to start updating this thing much more regularly. Just wanted to update everyone with my goals for this year:

*FINALLY lose this weight. The goal for this year is 40 lbs. I know I could lose more if I tried, but I want to do it in a healthy way where its going to stay off.

*Eat healthier.

*Do at least 10 minutes of exercise every single day. My goal is cardio 3x a week, and strength training 3x a week. For days I work late or have a lot going on, I'm going to devote at least 10 minutes to doing SOMETHING...jumping jacks, situps, whatever.

*Figure out a new career path. Culinary school? Catering business? HR job? Whatever it is, it can't be retail.

*Plan the most fantastic wedding ever for May 2011 :)

I'm just gonna use this blog to update everyone on my progress. 2010 is the year of Carli :)