Wednesday, October 20, 2010

is it done yet?

Uuuuuugh I just want this week to be over. I ended up dragging myself to boot camp in the morning, and I was the only one who showed up. Which ended up being sweet, because it basically turned into a free hour long personal training session so thats cool. But we did a lot of free weights and I am feeeeeeeling it today!

It makes up for missing my workout today though. Off to work in a few, thank GOODNESS I don't have to close again! Then we are heading to my mom's to help her move all night. Luckily I'm off tomorrow....except i have to work 4 hours in the morning at another store (I mean, I volunteered to help out, but still...yuck!) Friday is another day of closing, then OFF on Saturday!

Except we have a lot to get done on Saturday. It's Drew's nieces last football game, and of course we haven't gone to see her cheer, and of COURSE its at 9am in Fowlerville, which is like 45 minutes away. GROSS!! Hopefully meeting our DJ sometime that day too and maybe signing our contract. Lots of other odds and ends to get done that day, and then a trip to Uncle John's Cider Mill!!

I won't even get into next week cuz it's crappy too, but at least I have a 4 day weekend for Halloween! Speaking of which, what should I be? Oy vey.

Time to get ready for work, have a wonderful day :)

Monday, October 18, 2010


a nice BIG glass of wine and some chocolate was what i needed tonight...however tomorrow i have bootcamp at go or not to go, that is the question. i know i need to, but i just want to sleep til noon before work for reals.

drew and i started a weight loss challenge...10 weeks long, person w/the most percent of weight lost wins. i want to win so bad, today was just a baaaaad day to start. i already have a list that i'm giving up/doing once the new year hits...but i need to get my ass in gear now so its not a huge struggle once 2011 gets here...

possibly have a church to get married, and hopefully meeting w/our dj this weekend to finalized a contract there. pretty much down to the 7 month mark which is so crazy and starting to become ohhhh so stressful...

ok i am tipsy and this entry made no sense. time for some beds!