Saturday, August 21, 2010

back again

Well football season has started, which means every Sunday will be spent with Drew in his chair watching the Lions lose, and me being bored. Since I will evenutally run out of things to do on the internet, I suppose I can start writing in this again!!!

My life these days is work, working out, taking care of the house, and planning our wedding! Yes, actually working out. I've lost a total of 8 lbs, which isn't much, but in the past 2-3 weeks I've really started to buckle down. Come on, I only have 9 months (from next Saturday!) to get my ass in gear!! People have been making comments that I look like I have lost weight, and trust me, thats all the motivation I need!! Since I love planning (wedding planning, meal planning, etc.) I've been trying to plan out my week ahead of time and actually sticking to it (gym-wise that is). Here is the plan for next week:

Tomorrow: work 12-8. Gym in the morning before work, then taking my first public shower (thank god they have shower curtains) at the gym and heading straight to work
Monday: off. Jewel is going to the vet at 11, so I will probably walk the dogs in the morning and then go to the gym at night w/Drew
Tuesday: work 1-close. work meeting 9-10am. Lets be real, I'm not working out in between!
Wednesday: work 8-6 . walking the dogs after dinner, maybe some arm workouts at home
Thursday: work 8-6. Begging to get out by 5 so I can make spin class, but if that doesn't work there is a class at the Dewitt YMCA I can take. I just can't remember what class it is, haha
Friday: off. nice long workout at the gym in the morning (boot camp wooooo) then plans at night.
Saturday: depending on how hard we party Friday, either gym first thing in the morning, or later on and then straight to work 1-close after. We'll see :)

So for sure 3 workouts, possibly 5. Not bad.

Ok well I have a kitchen to clean up and I'm starting to feel sleepy!!! I promise I'll be around more ;)